
This is what some of our 中国人 language alumni have to say about our program.


类: 2022

主要(s): 亚洲研究, 经济学

学习中文是我在买球平台大学期间最重要的事情. 没有事先学习语言的经验, I took my first 中国人 class during my sophomore year with 崔教授 and Professor Jia. At that time, I came to appreciate both how challenging and rewarding studying 中国人 could be.

After attending the Princeton in Beijing online summer program in the summer after my junior year through the Goldsmith Adams Research Fellowship, I served as a 中国人 Learning Assistant for Elementary 中国人 and pursued an independent study with Professor Xie in my senior year. These opportunities gave me the chance to share my enthusiasm for learning 中国人 with 人 who reminded me of myself when I first began studying, and to advance my professional 中国人 language abilities. I had the opportunity to further my language study after graduating from Bowdoin through the U.S. Department of State Critical Language Scholarship in Tainan, Taiwan. My 中国人 skills ultimately helped me gain acceptance to the Yenching Academy at Peking University in Beijing, where I will pursue a Master of Law in China Studies and Politics & International Relations as a member of the seventh cohort. Bowdoin's 中国人 Program faculty are uniquely invested in students' success, and spend countless hours working with students to hone their speaking and listening skills. I am incredibly grateful to them for supporting my 中国人 studies beyond what I could have imagined.



类: 2022

主要(s): 亚洲研究

小(s): 电影研究

在印度度过间隔年之后来到买球平台, I found a welcome refuge in the 中国人 language program. 虽然早上8点的课有时很累, my professors always made learning 中国人 engaging and fun. 虽然具有挑战性, 买球平台的汉语课程节奏很快, 我的技能迅速而显著地提高了. 

The professors are always available to help and are extremely supportive of language learners. I am fortunate to have developed close relationships with my 亚洲研究 professors, and they helped me take advantage of opportunities outside of Bowdoin, including the State Department's Critical Language Studies scholarship and Middlebury College's Advanced 中国人 Language School. The 中国人 program at Bowdoin is filled with professors who are willing to go the extra mile to help students, and who foster an inclusive environment for students and faculty alike to share their love for the 中国人 language.



类: 2017

主要(s): 亚洲研究, 历史

Studying 中国人 language at Bowdoin was both a challenging and a rewarding experience. My classes at Bowdoin have improved both my conversational and professional 中国人 speaking skills, and have vastly expanded my ability to read and write in Mandarin. The 中国人 Department has also helped me to take advantage of some incredible opportunities off campus, 包括在波士顿举办的中文演讲比赛, 米德尔伯里大学在昆明的留学项目, 并在昆明暑期实习. 此外, the 中国人 Department is a close-knit community that allows students to develop close relationships with professors and classmates.

Wirunwan Pitaktong

Wirunwan Pitaktong

类: 2017

My paternal grandparents immigrated from Southern China to Thailand. 尽管他们不会说普通话, 我和汉字一起长大, 文化, 民俗文化, 还有我祖父母的童年故事. Despite this environment, I often said that I am simply "Thai" and nothing else. I never fully grasped the "中国人 side" and how it has informed and shaped me as a person.


I started 中国人 since the first semester and went abroad to Beijing my Junior year. 中国人 at Bowdoin had prepared me well for my semester abroad in Beijing and greatly assisted me with my HSK exam level 5. 中文水平更好, I was able to read literature and watch 中国人 TV programs and news; and with such opportunities I was able to better understand the politics, 历史, and the mindsets of my grandparents whom I had lived with throughout my childhood. 对我来说, learning 中国人 is not only something I do for the sake of comprehension of the language, 也是为了理解我的传统.



类: 2017

主要(s): 亚洲研究, 经济学

My whole family is from Shanghai—one of my goals coming to Bowdoin was to learn 中国人. 小时候, 我从小就说上海话, but never really learned how to speak Mandarin or write in 中国人. I've been taking 中国人 for the past 3 years and my 中国人 has really improved! It's been one of the defining parts of my Bowdoin education.



类: 2012

My 中国人 skills helped me find an internship at a venture capital firm and land a job at a 中国人 real estate company in Shanghai and Hong Kong. I wanted to learn a new language at Bowdoin—one that would be challenging and that would open up doors in the future.


我一年级和二年级的语文老师, 崔教授, 对我的中文学习影响很大吗. While his classes were very demanding, he was completely invested in his students. Professor Jia was also a very important person in my 中国人 career, 因为我现在用的中文名字就是他给我取的. Finally, Professor Tsui piqued my interest in 中国人 文化 and film. 在北京留学了六个月之后, 我决定毕业后再回去. My 中国人 skills helped me find an internship at a venture capital firm and land a job at a 中国人 real estate company in Shanghai and Hong Kong. Knowing the language well allowed me to navigate in both the Western and 中国人 worlds in social and professional aspects. 我现在主要在社交场合使用中文, and 人 are pleasantly surprised to see that I can carry a conversation quite fluently. I invite students from all backgrounds and years to try learning 中国人 and discovering a beautiful language, 人, 和国家.